Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A case of the giggles

Every night around 8, Mino gets the giggles. Almost without fail, he will laugh hysterically at us especially if we give him a little tickle. Maybe it's the late night giddyness, maybe he's laughing at our attempts at parenting, maybe he's just amused at the irony of how he's filling a diaper we just changed 2 minutes ago...whatever the reason, he's hilarious.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

July 07...good times

Mino's 1st baseball game & fireworks. July 3rd
Looking at the fish... and yes he spit-up in the water, sorry fishy.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

New playtime (...look at those shoulders!)
Mino loved his new stroller from the moment he sat in it. He hung out in the living room in his new ride for 30 min. laughin' it up!
Don't be fooled, Bob still doesn't know how to float... but Mino's got it down!

Mino wants to work on the computer, but we keep telling him he's too little.
Joy's bundle of joy!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

oh, by the way...JOY's PREGNANT!!

If you're reading this you probably already know the story, but I wanted to share on the blog--- Last Thursday we took Joy to the ER early in the morning b/c she had been experiencing dizzyness, fatigue, nausea, and abdominal cramping for the past two weeks. We thought those were side effects from a medication, but apparently they were side effects from pregnancy, which is a side effect of...well, you know. Anyway, this was totally unexpected, but a huge blessing nonetheless. We're very excited! Please pray for the baby and Joy's comfort during these next 7.5 months.Here's the ultrasound @ 6 weeks. If you haven't ever seen one, it's amazing. You can actually see the heart beat on the 2mm long baby. See below for enlarged image.
The horizontal line between the two hash marks is the embryo. You can make out some of the features in the next image.
I think it's a boy! It definitely doesn't have the Boyan nose, so he'll probably be pretty cute. We'll find out in mid-February.