Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lovely Lyla

Ok, we know, we know... Lyla has been around for more than 4 months, and we're just getting around to putting together a little video clip of her. Well, we have a good excuse. Both Lyla and Mino are scheming together against us to make sure we don't have any free time... so enjoy, 3 1/2 minutes that have taken 4 1/2 months to complete.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mother's day should be every day...

Lyla and Mino are such a handful everyday, and I just have to publicly recognize how great Joy is with the kids. She really is amazing. Having 2 kids under the age of 1.5 is like having a tornado touch down in the house everyday, and while there may be times of frustration, Joy handles everything with a Joyful heart and grace.

Lyla definitely has her momma's eyes and lips, prettier than any flower we could pose her with.

For Mother's day, we had planned to get some professional family photos, but the photographer was booked, instead the kids gave Momma the next best thing they could think of... a nap.

Don't try this at home...unless you've got vaulted ceilings. (no, he's not photoshopped in. Yes, Joy thought i was going to drop him)

Lyla chillin at the sunset picnic.
Joy and Kids at the sunset beach picnic.

Lyla's in training to become a dancer, acrobat, or cirque du soleol bungee artist.

Mino tries to teach Lyla the finer points of the nose pick, but falls short. It's just like the old saying goes, "You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friends nose."

Monday, May 5, 2008

Mino's Adoption Update

We forgot to mention this in the last post, but we got some really good news on the adoption process last Monday. The adoption social worker came to conduct our home study, and gave us the green light on everything. She said that the whole process should be finalized in 2 or 3 months, so that means Mino could officially be ours by the end of June or July. Now all we need to do is decide on a middle name...we're leaning towards Roberto!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

April '08 - Busy as Boyans

Last month was so busy for us, we didn't even have a chance to post anything. We actually just downloaded pics from the camera tonight. So, for all you friends and family that check in on us from time to time...sorry. Here's some April highlights:

Big cousin Jason visited for a couple weeks to hang out with baby Mino. He taught him the finer points of sliding at the playground and jumping on the couch.

Lyla has had a big month too. She's growing out of all her 3 months clothes, and she's learned how to smile too. Now she's charming everyone with her beautiful little lips and blue eyes every chance she gets. And also...a big Halleluia, she's sleeping through the night for the most part. Her daily napping schedule is getting to be pretty predicatable too, so it's been a lot easier to care for her and Mino together.

Mino also got a chance to hang out with his new cousin Swapna Lola. They are only 5 months apart and are very close friends already.

Oh yeah...Bob turned 29 on the 30th. One more year, and he'll be OLD. He got to celebrate the evening with his lovely sweetheart and sans kids.